


The Mobile Banking and Internet Banking platforms developed by F1Soft are currently used by over 90% of the banks in Nepal serving in excess of 16M people. The systems contribute to nearly 80% of the total digital payments in Nepal. 

The company’s efforts in FinTech innovation have been duly recognized by various national and international bodies including the 2014 International Business Awards (Bronze), 2013 FNCCI Service Excellence Award and the 2012 Red Herring Top 100 Asia Award. In 2017, F1Soft was recognized as Nepal’s Highest Tax Payer (IT Sector) by the Government of Nepal. F1Soft have developed various services such as BankSmart, Foneloan, Fonesavings, bankXp, fonepoints, expressbanking, ccms, Quickbhuktani, Viber banking.

Надані послуги

Viber Business Messages

Країни присутності


Охоплені галузі

Financial & Insurance services