MobiFone Global

MobiFone Global


MobiFone Global Technology Joint Stock Company (MobiFone Global) was established in 2007 as a subsidiary of MobiFone Telecommunication Corporation. Since then, MobiFone Global has been strongly rooted not only in domestic but also overseas markets. 

The company has set up its affiliates to operate in such countries as U.S., Singapore, and Hong Kong, as well as establish a representative office in Myanmar. 

Being steered by well-visioned leadership and dynamic and agile staffing, MobiFone Global has ever continued its annual growth in revenue and income.

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Страны присутствия

Вьетнам, Соединенные Штаты Америки, Сингапур, Гонконг, Мьянма, Лаосская Народно-Демократическая Республика, Таиланд, Малайзия, Индонезия, Бангладеш, Камбоджа

Охватываемые отрасли

IT и телекомоммуникации, Value Added Services