The World Health Organization recently hosted their second webinar in the series “Building best in class chatbots during COVID-19” and our Senior Global Business Development Manager Petya Kamburova spoke about chatbot optimization based on user data, analytics and the importance of human-centered design.
Chatbots are software programmes that interact with people over voice or text. Before COVID-19, they played an important role in healthcare and the use of AI-enabled solutions is expected to increase even more in the coming years. During the pandemic, with even some of the most resilient health systems overwhelmed, people have turned towards alternatives when it comes to information and advice for their health. For many, their mobile phone is the primary source of information and chatbots are in the spotlight now more than ever.
Petya shared that in order to understand how successful a bot is, it needs to be measured through user data, which is essentially the feedback received from the users. When it comes to the WHO Viber bots, although all focused on different topics, from COVID-19 and tobacco cessation to women’s health, they all have one goal - offering users health information one click away, in an easy to access and understandable manner.
The top 3 metrics include:
- Scale - number of subscribers/ number of users. The WHO COVID-19 chatbot has a total audience of 1.7 million users currently.
- Engagement - messages sent & received to and from the bot. Since it’s launch in April 2020, the WHO COVID-19 bot has generated over 150 million messages.
- Bot MAU(monthly active users). Over 70% of the bot’s audience interacts with it monthly.
Watch back the webinar here and be sure to sign up to our newsletter to receive future event updates.